
Monday, April 18, 2011

What the world needs to know...

“I didn’t plan on falling in love with you, and I doubt if you planned on falling in love with me.
 But once we met, it was clear that neither of us could control what was happening to us. 
We fell in love, despite our differences, and once we did, something rare and beautiful was created. 
For me, love like that has happened only once and that’s why every minute
 we spent together has been seared in my memory.
 I’ll never forget a single moment of it.”

The Notebook

Enough said.
Till then,Salut,

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Orange Sweetness


I had this crazy cravings of malaysian food.Like who doesnt?COUNT DOWN!17 days to goooooooooooooooo!insyaALLAH.i'm super excited although there are 5 exam papers to sit for.Yikesss!Talking about cravings,as i went grocery shopping the other day,i walked past the fruits and veggies section and came across sweet potatoes.The frist thing that came to mind is "buat keria best jugak" so i bought two and went back.Due to busyness,i had to postpone my cooking plan.Told kak Ahya' suggested that i make Cek Mek Molek instead,but nah!Some other time maybe.So last saturday,i made keria!=) So here is the recipe..

3 large sweet potatoes
2 cups of flour
icing sugar

  1. Peel the sweet potatoes and cut them into small pieces.
  2. In a sauce pan with boiling water,cook the potatoes until it soften.
  3. Drain.In a bowl.Mash them finely.
  4. Add the a few pinches of salt and add flour half cup at a time.
  5. Wet your hands with the water, and shape them into balls,flatten them slightly and make holes in the middle.=)
  6. Heat the oil and deep fry them until its golden brown.
  7. When its cooled powder them with the icing sugar.(mine was sweet enough so we didn't cover them with sugar.yeay!)

Peeled potatoes

Cut into small pieces

The dough

Uncook (slighlty deformed ) babies

Cook deformed babies!(yummy though!)
Cant wait to cook more yummy goodness.=)NAK BALIK DAH!TAK SABAR=D
Before that 3 more papers to kill.

Till Then,Salut.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Purple Yummyness


Here I am, taking a break from studying music for my finals!who knew 20th century musics are so smiliar to each other and hard to differentiate=/ GAZILLION THINGS to memorize!YEAY.(not)
Food always cheer me up,so lets talk about food instead shall we?
I posted about rattatoille in the previous post and from making them,i had an extra aubergine/eggplant which i initially wanted to dip in a batter and fry.Seriously i don't like frying for the fact that i know how much oil i use.yikes.So i decided to make something healthier instead.I've always wanted to make roasted aubergine but don't really know what to eat it with.From google,i found a 'Roasted Aubergine Pasta' recipe so i made that instead.SUPER YUM!

Roasted Aubergine Pasta with Cottage Cheese

2 cups of cooked pasta of your choice
1 aubergine
1 medium onion
4 cloves of garlic
1/2 cup of shredded cottage cheese
4 tablespoon of lemon juice
4 tablespoon of olive oil
A handful of basil

For seasoning: Pepper,All Italian dried herbs and chilli flakes.

Cook pasta according to its packaging
Chop the aubergine,onion,garlic and basil leaves into small pieces and put them in an oven-safe dish.
Drizzle them with about 2 tablespoon of olive juice and the season them.
Put them in the oven that is preheated to 350 degree Fahrenheit for about 25 minutes.
After 25 minutes or so, add more olive oil and lemon juice if it is too dry.
Before serving, garnish it with LOADS of cheese.=)

Spread the evenly

Roasted goodness

Top view

Side view
Super easy and super yummy!

I am sorry for the absence of good picture and photographic skills.Teehee.I need a camera *cough*b'day 29th May*cough*=D

Anyhoos,gotta get back to studying and memorizing things that I will never use in life.heh..but then again only Allah knows=)

Have fun studying people!

Till then,Salut.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Remy and Emil


Don't you just love the name Emil?I love it!If i have a pet cat,i'll call it Emil.I named my lappy Emil too.But this Emil cant run to me when I call it,to bulky to be cuddled and does not respond to any of my "koochee cooo"s..*pout*
Anyways,I was supoosed to be studiying for my quiz the other day but of course the 'easily-distracted' me went recipe hunting and blog reading.=) I came across this really simple ratatouille sandwich that looks super yum and suddenly i was craving for it although i have never ever tasted ratatouille in my life.So i went to PA Supermarche and bought some fresh veggies.
I realized that,i always need something to munch on while i study which is not healthy for the fact that i rarely exercise now.So i opt for fruits instead and reduce my unneeded food intakes.On the quest of healthy diet, ratatouille sandwich seemed like a good idea.This is where i got the recipe from ,but i changed some of the ingredients ,so here it is..

Ratatouille Sandwich
1 onion
4 cloves of garlic
1 medium aubergine
2 bell peppers(red and yellow for color!)
1 tomato (big ones or 2 small ones)
2 tablespoon of tomato paste
2 tablespoon of milk
1/2 cup of cheese
2 tablespoon of hot sauce
a handful of basil
a tablespoon of dried oregano
pepper and salt to taste
olive oil
Fresh veggies,onion and garlic
  1. Chop everything and everybody into small pieces and shred the cheese.
  2. In a saucepan,sautee the onion and garlic with olive oil until its is slightly brownish or caramelized.
  3. Add the bell peppers and aubergine and wait for it to soften.
  4. After its is slightly mushy,add the tomato and everything else and stir.

Thats it!We're done!=)


Oh lala!

I love mine on a piece of bread.

You can add moreeee cheese if you like or omit the milk and shredded cheese and use mascarpone instead.I LOVE THE SMELL OF BASIL!They have planted basil up for sale and was thinking of buying them.Then again,i rarely cook anything with basil in it.So next time,i'll try planting something that is worth it,like oregano perhaps,its easy to plant them and they require very minimal care.Plus they smell good and make food taste A LEVEL YUMMIER!

We had a picnic in front of Leacock yesterday and it was fun,fun,fun! It was finally 7 degrees yesterday and i was super excited to see the sun again!Sun bathing in our coats is quite fun I must say.When you have great company around,things doesn't really matter.=)
Aren't they just adorable?

Till then,Salut,