
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Failed Experiment: Maltsers Tofu Cheesecake


I recently moved back in with my parents back in Malaysia. Although I do get to eat mom’s delicious cooking, I have to adapt to having two little munchkins tugging on my hair and feet while I work on my laptop or making phone calls while one of the munchkins are wailing in the background. I am having my fair share of practicing with nappy changes and putting the little ones to sleep for God knows when. *breathe* I have a couple of months break before I start working in October. *breathe* Just after I type this a little boy comes to my side with a balloon wanting to play. This morning my little nephew tugs on my hair with anger after I wiped his booger. That is AFTER he wiped his nose on my hair. Oh the glamorous life of an auntie.

I still take time now and then to put my music on in the kitchen while I try different things. One of the things that I have been DYING to try making is the Tofu Cheesecake. Tofu is cheap here…so why not? As I was browsing through some recipes I stumbled upon a Maltsers cheesecake. Again why not?So I decided to combine both recipes and make Maltsers Tofu Cheesecake. The verdict? I don’t think it is one of my decisions that I have ever made.

It’s not a surprise that it is not as creamy as normal cheesecakes and there is indeed a hint taste of tofu, which I don’t really mind. The texture however is silky just like other no bake cheesecakes. Personally I think a tofu cheesecake is better if it is fruit or chocolate flavored. Some of you might ask errmmm why TOFU?! By using tofu you cut down the calories. You use half the cream cheese that you would usually use. So, personally if you really love cheesecakes and you don’t want to feel guilty about eating it, make a chocolate version, or fruit version.

If you were wondering… only my mum had the guts to try this cheesecake. My brother, brother in law, sister and father did not even TRY…

Why do I call this a failed experiment? I put cut up pieces of Maltsers in my cheesecake thinking that it would taste divine (I LOVE MALTSERS),but I was clearly wrong. The thing about cut Maltsers is that the malt on
the inside melts but not the chocolate coating; leaving weird hollowed half chocolate balls throughout the cheesecake. EEKK! Another thing about making Maltsers cheesecakes is that you add a little bit of malt powder…and that also did not turn out well…

So I don’t think it’s the tofu that needs to be chucked out the window. I think it’s the Maltsers..or the combination of both. I would certainly try a different version of a tofu cheesecake in the future…but Malstsers…ergh..

If it’s not too late, may I wish you Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir dan Batin.

Till then,Wasalam.

Sofhan Hasni

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