
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

All about challenges


Guess what? I reached my 100th post! Alhamdulillah. Who knew I’d manage to stay disciplined?
Throughout the year, it always warmed  my heart when people tell me they've tried the recipes that I posted. Some are altered some are copied directly. Heartwarming indeed.

We’re almost a month in 2013 and I should say life is going well so far Alhamdulillah. This year, along with my list of resolutions, I decided that this year would be a  “Challenge Myself” year for me. Here are the things that I have challenged myself with

I have always been insecure or scared of so many things. One of the things that I wasn't sure that I wanted to do again, ever, was skiing. I’m scared of heights and speed. I was sooo scared last year when I went skiing for the first time. Even the second time I went earlier this year. You should have seen my friends coaxing me trying to make me ski down the slope. But I did it. The next day (it was a weekend ski trip), I tried other green circle (beginners) slopes and moved on to the blue square  (intermediate) slopes. Once I let go of my fear, it was AMAZING. I felt revitalized, free and light as air. It felt great! So the next ski trip which would be in March, I’m challenging myself to go down the Black Diamond (advanced). Wish me luck!:)

The second challenge is Kick Boxing. I am such a lazy person when it comes to exercising. I thought paying for the gym membership would eventually make me go to the gym but NOOOOO. I’m still a lazy bum. But this year, my friend and I decided to take up kick boxing. Which IS GREAT! Not only I get to learn funky self defense moves but it’s also a great workout. Not to mention a hot instructor teaching us twice a week. Hah*drool*!(Hi mom!).

I have a major issue with speaking in public. Which is weird. I mean, even when I need to introduce myself. I know my name, I know myself better than anyone else, what’s up with that right? I tried the exercise that Amy Cuddy taught in her TedTalk and to be honest, I wasn’t sure if it’s really working on me. My friend said it worked for her. I’ll try again some other time. Anyways, I decided to recite a poem that I wrote a while ago (read it here) and again, it feels good. Not only that I get to express myself, but I get to do something that I’m scared of.

 Alhamdulillah for the strength, the opportunity and the courage. *pat on the back*

What’s next?


Till then,
Sofhan Hasni

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