Finally!I finally have internet at home! Oh how did I live
without it before? I don’t need it when I have friends around but when you live
alone with your cat, you’re bound to get lonely. Really. I was telling myself I
should be memorizing the anatomy of the brain and finish my readings for PSYC
311 but still, I used my phone every now and then to check my twitter, Facebook
and email.(Macam-macam dunia sekarang..sigh)
I have been religiously posting this and that and I really
really want to write something tonight. Although there are other few things that
I’d love to write about, it’ll take time. So I was thinking of something that I’d
like to share but won’t take much time to write. Ding Ding Ding!I was like, why
not write about the Vanilla Buttercream Icing that I did the other day?!
So my friends held an all girls party at their place and I volunteered
to bake cupcakes for them. But since I got the confirmation for the party the
night before and I have class the next day, I didn’t have time to rush to the
store and get some other stuffs that I need to make funky cupcakes. Even then,
I don’t have any solid ideas in mind anyways. So I opted to make the
buttercream icing with the usual chocolate cupcakes. But then I was thinking,
what KIND of buttercream icing would people like? There are endless kinds of
buttercream icing. For me, I’d love coffee icing! Chocolate icing would be too
much for a chocolate cupcake and I don’t like citrus-y flavors with chocolate.
So I settled on Vanilla Buttercream Icing. To make them a lot more fun, I piped
them nicely and sprinkled colored coconut flakes on it.
Vanilla Buttercream Icing
1 cup of softened butter
2 ½ cup of icing sugar
1 tablespoon of vanilla essence
2 tablespoon of milk
- In a mixing bowl cream the butter until light and fluffy
- Add sugar ½ cup at a time and mix slowly until they are well blended,
- Add in the vanilla essence and milk.
- If you want to add color, separate equal amount of icing in glass or metal bowls (plastic bowls might absorb color)
- Add drops of coloring until you get the color that you want.
Coconut flakes sprinkles
1 tablespoon coconut flakes
A dash of salt
- In a ziplock bag, add a tablespoon of coconut flakes and a pinch of salt.
- Add a drop or two coloring.
- Zip it and shake well. If the color is too pale, add more and repeat previous steps.
Decorating cupcakes
You could simply use a spatula or butter knife tu spread it
on your cupcakes or you could pipe them instead.
I used different contrasting colors for my icing and my
coconut flakes and they look..KIH-YUT! (angkat bakul!)
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Butt-ah! |
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My blue looks greenish...=( |
Salted coconut flakes
Pink ones |
Blue ones |
The pink and blue theme is to match the cute cupcake cups!It's so cute!I swear!:)
Some of the icings weren't that perfect.Why? Me being a Jinnyus (pronounced as genius), didn't bring my piping bags with me and used ziplocks instead.So they kept on bursting.It was a delicious mess I tell ya.=___='
Oh if you're on a diet.DON'T MAKE THESE.I calculated the calories and pftt an icing,just the icing for a cupcake could be up to 200 cals.AYAYAYAY!
So take care of yourself and those you love!
Till then,Bonsoir,
Safhannnnnnnn nakkkkkkkkkk!!!!