This is my third day in Malaysia!Alhamdulillah!The weather is too hot for me.I'm slightly feverish.I'm still jet lagged. Sleeping in the afternoon can last for a good few solid hours.I feasted on Thai dishes a few days back and stuffed my face with mama's dishes.My tummy isn't complaining.8 months without ikan pari bakar and kerang.How did i survive? this post,i'm going to write about what we did and where went to in Paris.
The last time i went to Paris was 14 years ago.Too small to appreciate the city.All i remembered was Disney Land's Mickey and Donald (figures!). Which was fun.But hey..its Paris.When we booked our tickets and arranged for the short vacation,i was very home sick at the time and Illya wanted to go to London pronto.So we decided to stay for only 2 nights and 3 days.WHICH IS A REAL BUMMER!if i knew,i would have stayed longer.Which i would next time!So here are the things we did then..
Day 1
30th April 2011,Arrival
We arrived slightly early in Paris from London (I still don't know how flights can bearly.I mean there are no congestion up in the sky to hinder you.Oh well).Our hotel is situated somewhere near Lamark Coulaincourt so that was where we stopped first.Just so you know.In Malaysia,there are 4 types of fast city trains by 4 different companies.In Montreal,there are 2 with four different lines.In Paris there are 2 with 5 different lines for RER and 14 different lines for Metro.I know..its confusing most of time.One thing about Paris is they LOVE stairs.Imagine carrying 20kg luggage up the stairs.IT WAS BADDDDDDD!It was a bad idea wearing a skirt while carrying a huge bag up 129 stairs.Yeap,Thank God there were some nice gentlemen to help us.Leaving in Montreal definitely helped us understanding bits and pieces of the signboards.So we're not easily lost.After arriving at the station,we were instructed to climb another 24 more steps up.I was sweaty,dizzy and agitated and just freaking pissed at the designer of the Metro.I mean..really??!
Anyhoos we found our place and it was gorgeous!Its wayyyyy better than what we expected it to be.Our hotel is next to this fancy cafe.The hotel is cozy and PINK.yes.PINK.I love Pink!Guess what?Our room is on the top floor and there were no elevators.YEAY(not).The main desk guy was slightly reluctant to help us but he eventually did.(berani xnak tolong?)So we put our stuffs and rested for a couple of hours.
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They have KNOBS on the doors of the Metro! |
30th April 2011,Eiffel Tower
We took the Metro and stopped at Bir-Hakiem Metro and walked along Quai de Grenalle.Along that street, there was lines of people selling souvenirs and paintings.I bought mine for 20 euros.For a canvas painting THAT pretty,it's a definite bargain i tell ya.The seller was a Muslim and gave us discounts.=)
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Yeay! |
Off we went to the the famous Eiffel Tower.I WAS BLOWN AWAY!I never remembered it to be so magnificent. So we lined up to buy the tickets it (it was a long line).We lined up for a good half an hour an bought tickets for 8.20 euro to gain access to the 2nd level.On the 2nd level we had to buy another ticket to get to the top level which cost us 9.30 euro.Btw, there was a newly wed couple still in their wedding costume walked past us.SUPER CUTE.Imagine getting married there.Adorable!!
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Ta-da! |
The tickets |
The sunset |
View of Paris from the 2nd level |
Hotel Des Invalides |
Champ de Mars |
The distance between the tower and Malaysia |
Siene River |
The display on the top floor |
The Eiffel Tower was ABSOLUTELY the highlight of our visit (for me at least). We spent about 3 hours up there!We even had our bread-and-nutella dinner while enjoying the panoramic view.Sigh.Its so romantic there.We wanted to stay a little bit longer but then we weren't sure about the Metro's closing time.This is the conversation between me and a Parisian couple
Them: Metro?I don't know what Metro.
Me: You know..The subway?
Them: Ohhhh!Metro!(pronounced Met-gho)
Me: That's what i just said..=.='
Weird!!We decided to go down by 11p.m..Apparently we can't sit on the we just walked around.After snapping a few pictures we headed back to the Metro Station.As we walked along the Quai de Grenalle I suddenly felt that my bag was heavy.When i turned around,there was this girl who had her hand on my bag.I stopped and asked "What do you think you're doing?".She looked scared and left.I was so close of hitting her with my painting.DANGGG!Like seriously?Xcukup duit cakap...But Alhamdulillah!Thank you Allah for saving me and my personal belongings.
The tower |
I'm in love |
Tips of the day:
1)Never be too ashamed of asking people for direction.
If your lost,you're lost.My parents taught me that if there are things that i don't know,ask.I have a friend who doesn't like to ask for directions and prefer to wander around to find the right places.She said "Cari dulu..baru tanya".True..but i'f i'm in a rush, i asked straight away.Save me the hassle.If i really want to tour the place,i'll come by some other time.
2)Be mindful of your belongings at all time.
Canada is pretty safe so I never really had any problem of pickpockets even at crowded places.Which is not an excuse to be careless with my stuffs.My mum always told me, wherever we are,take care of your bag(s).Fiuh.
So that was what we did the first day.Will update more later.InsyaAllah.
Till then,Salut.
Till then,Salut.
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